I was actually asked this by a detailer (drill sergeant) during a personnel inspection at the boat school. The proximity of his lips to my ear combined with volume that could cause a freight train to take a dirt road on a rainy night made me slightly uncomfortable. So what if I hadn't mastered the delicate art of shoe waxing? Was all this really necessary? This guy seems genuinely upset! I kept my composure until he said that my black button down shirt (that had accumulated a small amount of dust and hair from doing pushups with another detailer in our room not 10 minutes prior) looked as if I had 'dusted-off with a cat.' That's when I cracked along with my roommate Phil Macnaughton from Georgia, I think. They made the two of us PT till the pain made it not funny anymore and then some. I miss Phil. We didn't care because it took the focus off our squad which was kinda pathetic.
I only rehash these fond memories because my brother Nolan is experiencing something akin to this right now at OCS in Pensacola, FL. Good Luck, Nolan and try not to laugh.
ps I know this is a Marine Corps recruiting poster, but together we are the NAVAL service, so it works. And they make better posters.
funny blog....very funny...
i like your title and the pic!
I love it! I'm so glad you are blogging. I love hearing about your many adventures. I could never be in the military - mostly because I can't do pushups. Do they make girls do just as many as the boys?
If you want to be added to the the Oscarson Family blog, email me. You can find my email under my profile on my blog.
You should see how the kids come running at the sound of his whistle and they all do this cute thing where they step forward and say their name...oh wait, nevermind. We enjoy the looks on their confused faces when he tells them to "drop and give him twenty".
im pretty sure i would've laughed too. im so proud.
This story actually reminds me of another story told by our dear Pater familias of his experience in the National Guard. You will have to ask him for the exact details but it went something like this. During a similar type inspection the drill sgt. was berating a fellow soldier saying things like "You are a worthless human being", etc. Brought up in a good home where he had been taught the inherent worth of all people, Dad, couldn't help but have a similar reaction and actually said something like "You can't say that" directly to the drill sgt. Needless to say the sgt. didn't find this philosophical point particularly interesting or welcome and dad ended up doing lots of push-up, washing potatoes with a toilet brush, or something like that.
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